Salvage Title Transactions

Salvage Title Transactions

We understand that dealing with salvage title transactions can be a complex and time-consuming process, so our dedicated team is here to provide you with fast processing times, friendly customer service, and a smooth experience for all your salvage title needs. Don't hesitate to reach out to our knowledgeable staff for assistance, and let's get started on your journey toward a successful salvage title transaction. Take the first step by contacting us today!



When a vehicle is declared a total loss by an insurance company but has been repaired and restored to a roadworthy condition, it can be re-registered as a Rebuilt-Salvage. MVD Express Montana offers quick and efficient processing of rebuilt-salvage title transactions. Our knowledgeable staff will guide you through the necessary steps and documentation, ensuring your rebuilt-salvage vehicle is properly titled and ready for the road.

Salvage Certificates

A Salvage Certificate is issued to vehicles deemed uneconomical to repair or declared a total loss by an insurance company. These vehicles may not be driven on public roads, but they can be used for parts or repaired. At MVD Express Montana, we provide quick processing of Salvage Certificates. Our team of experts will assist you with the required forms and answer any questions you might have about the process.

Salvage Branded Titles

A Salvage Branded Title indicates that a vehicle has sustained significant damage, typically from an accident, flood, or fire, and has been declared a total loss. The vehicle may be repairable, but it must undergo inspection and meet specific requirements before being registered for road use. MVD Express Montana offers fast and efficient processing of Salvage Branded Title transactions. Our dedicated team will help you navigate the complex requirements, ensuring your vehicle is properly documented.

Replacement Titles

If you need a replacement title for a salvaged vehicle, MVD Express Montana has you covered. Our experienced staff will help you obtain a duplicate title, making the process as simple and efficient as possible. We understand that time is valuable, which is why we're committed to providing quick turnarounds for all your title needs.


What To Expect From Us

At MVD Express Montana, we pride ourselves on offering an unparalleled customer experience. We understand that dealing with salvage title transactions can be confusing and time-consuming. That's why our dedicated team is committed to providing fast processing times and friendly customer service.

When you choose MVD Express Montana for your salvage title transactions, you can expect:

  • Quick and efficient processing: We know the importance of having your vehicle properly titled and registered. Our team works diligently to process your salvage title transactions as quickly as possible.
  • Friendly and knowledgeable staff: Our experienced staff is here to assist you with all your MVD needs. They are well-versed in the various aspects of salvage title transactions and can answer any questions you may have.
  • Personalized service: We tailor our services to meet your unique needs, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience with MVD Express Montana.
  • Innovative solutions: We leverage the latest technology and systems, like our proprietary title tracking application, TRACER, to streamline your MVD experience.

Contact Us

Ready to get started with your salvage title transaction at MVD Express Montana? Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is available to assist you with all your MVD needs. Don't hesitate to take advantage of our expertise and personalized service. Contact us today to see how we can help you with your salvage title needs!

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